Category Archives: Articles

The Manager as Servant Leader

Successful leaders today need to behave differently from the conventional leadership traditions that they were used to. It is strongly believed that now, one needs to serve first before he or she can be served. Servant leadership, a term coined and defined by Robert Greenleaf, is an approach to leadership development. He explains that the […]

Motivating Employees With Praise

by: Abdul Rahman Deen Studies in organisational behavior and management indicate that an employee’s performance is dependent upon his or her ability and motivation, underlining the importance of employee motivation in the success of any organisation. Consequently, the challenge of motivating employees to perform to the best of their anility has been recognized as a […]

Globalisation and international competitiveness: The Malaysian perspective

Globalisation is the phenomenon that enables products, financial and investment markets to operate internationally, largely as a result of deregulation and improved communication. In short, it is anything that involves two or more countries in any undertakings. Despite its possible negative effects, globalisation often brings numerous benefits to fast developing countries, such as Malaysia, in […]

Are you a leader or a manager?

by Kuldip Singh, MASA Board Members Leadership and management are often used as if they are synonymous; some authors treat leadership as if it is good management. Although there is considerable amount of overlap between leadership and management as suggested by Peter Northhouse (2001), there are significant differences between the two as evidenced by the […]

Kepadatan Kawasan Letak Kereta di Kuching

Pegawai Penyelidik: Muhammad Latif Khalfi Bin Jaafar 23 April 2022 Kepadatan Kawasan Letak Kereta di Kuching Ibu negeri Sarawak, iaitu bandar Kuching kini pesat membangun dengan aktiviti ekonomi semakin rancak yang menjadikan bandar ini sebuah tarikan bagi warga Sarawak untuk bekerja di bandar. Kemasukan lebih ramai warga negeri ke bandar ini diikuti dengan perkhidmatan kenderaan […]

“Ease of doing business” – Perbandingan Antara Malaysia-Singapura

Pegawai Penyelidik: Muhammad Latif Khalfi Bin Jaafar 20 Mei 2022 Keadaan dunia pada hari ini semakin berubah menjadi lebih mudah dan pantas, hal ini disebabkan perkembangan pesat teknologi yang memacukan kepada perkembangan segala urusan kita. Antara perkara mengalami kemajuan ialah mengenai ease of doing business atau mesra niaga yang membawa maksud sistem ranking sesebuah negara […]